While it is possible to create a My Tama that resembles a "pure" Tamagotchi character, the device will force a gene to change if the genetic combination does not match the pure character's gender.

Some marriage partners have restrictions about which genetic traits can be passed down for example, Hello Kitty will never pass down her eyes or body shape, and only her bow and whiskers (a collective headgear trait) can be inherited. The genetics it inherits also influence its likes and dislikes for food, clothing, and items, as well as its sleeping hour. The My Tama's outline color can also be influenced (for example, if it has Ura Tamagotchi genetics). The My Tama's body color is also affected, where the offspring could inherit either parent's colors, combine both parents' colors into one blended color, or be a completely random color. M!xable body parts include four key components: the body (head, torso, and mouth), eyes, headgear (such as hair, ears, or hats), and miscellaneous accessories (such as wings, capes, tails, etc.).

However, some traits from previous generations may become latent and suddenly reemerge later. In this case, a My Tama may only share traits with their offspring with only the current visual features they currently possess. A My Tama can also pass their visual traits to their offspring with another character. When two Tamagotchis marry, their offspring will take the form of a completely new character with genetic traits shared from both parents. M!xing is a cosmetic visual feature for offspring Tamagotchis. In addition, Tama Pets are now capable of m!xing as well. The mechanic is also featured in the 2018 virtual pet Tamagotchi On, with over a thousand combinations more than its predecessor. The feature was first introduced in the 2016 virtual pet Tamagotchi m!x. A Tamagotchi born from the result of m!xing is a unique Tamagotchi Subspecies known as a My Tama ( ナウたま Nautama). Mix (stylized as M!x), is a breeding mechanic where an offspring share visual body traits from their two parents. Mametchi and Himespetchi with a My Tama featuring their m!xed body parts.