You didn't state the total capacity of your softener, nor did you indicate the number of people in your home. With your own test kit, you can retest each season to ensure your softener settings remain appropriate for that season. As there is typically some hardness variance due to time-of-day water use within the city as well as distribution system maintenance, it is recommended to anticipate and allow for some variance by adding 2-3 grains per gallon to the test result obtained at your location. That test will be a snapshot at that specific time. Obtain a Hach 5B Total Hardness test kit to test the hardness level at your specific location. The numbers stated by the city are mostly worthless as they will be measured at each water source, but you are likely located somewhere in between and so will be probably receiving a mixture from all 3 sources. The absolute high (ground water) for "Hardness" is 835 ppm = 48.8 gpg and "TDS" is 1533 ppm = 89.6 gpg (Yikes!!!) If I average the high range, then for "Hardness" I get 523 ppm = 30.6 gpg and "TDS" is 961 ppm = 56.2 gpg. If I average the averages, then for "Hardness" I get 457 ppm = 26.7 gpg and "TDS" is 841 ppm = 49.2 gpg. Or, should I average the high end of the ranges? Or use the highest number? (I suppose that would use the most water which would not be good). Should I just average the "averages" of all the sources? I'm guessing that the city could be using any combination of the 3 sources depending on the time of year, water levels, etc. Each source is shown with an average and a range. My city water report shows the "Hardness" and "TDS" for several different sources of water (River, Ground Water, Lake), and the values are considerably different for the 3 sources. I sort of understand the difference, but which is the more appropriate line to use for the water softener settings? I'm guessing it is "Hardness", since the "TDS" would probably include things in the water that could not be removed by ion exchange - is that correct? My city water report has two lines that seem to apply "Hardness" in ppm and "Total Dissolved Solids" in ppm. I have a 5600 EM and I'm having some trouble understanding what to use for the correct settings.